AEEA Networking
Bringing People Together, Sharing Ideas, Building a Network.
AEEA hosts networking events multiple times a year, including Dine & Discover events, virtual community calls, and the networking evening at the EE Expo. AEEA continues to promote collaboration and outreach among our members and the community at large. Keep an eye on our events calendar for the next opportunity to collaborate.
Dine & Discover Series
AEEA Dine & Discover: Here Comes the Sun at Aerojet Rocketdyne, 2017
Did you know that earlier this year the Buffalo National River was designated a dark sky compliant park? Maybe you are wondering why this is important or steps you could take to be dark sky compliant at home or work. Bruce McMath, Chair of the Arkansas Natural Sky Association (ANSA), will talk about the various ways that exterior lighting impacts wildlife, human health, climate change and the night sky, as well as how we can mitigate these harms by using responsible lighting practices.
The event will be hosted by Entegrity, a sustainability and energy services company specializing in the implementation of energy conservation and renewable energy projects. Entegrity’s headquarters in Little Rock has earned the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Zero Energy certification, making it the second building in the world and the first in the United States to earn the designation. LEED Zero Energy certification recognizes buildings or spaces that achieve a source energy use balance of zero over a period of 12 months. Entegrity Headquarters achieves this energy balance by pairing the building’s energy-efficient design with a 50 kW rooftop solar array, effectively producing more energy than the building uses over a year.
This event includes heavy appetizers, drinks, a presentation by ANSA, a tour of Entegrity Headquarters, and networking time. All are welcome to attend, especially environmental and engineering professionals, educators, and others interested in the night sky.
Registration is now closed.
A selection of beer from Lost Forty Brewing will be available.
A selection of non-alcoholic drinks from The Green Corner Store will be available.
Proceeds support environmental education in Arkansas.
Questions can be directed to Sophia Stephenson at or 501.773.1107.