When the calendar opens to January, annual work plans and New Year’s resolutions promise productivity, improvement, and growth.  The beginning is full of anticipation of what is to come.  Yet we wake up in the same world in which we fell asleep when the previous year ended, and lately the world has been difficult and exhausting.  

Just like a root system supplies nourishment to a plant to help it flourish, environmental education provides us with enriching experiences that connect us to a sense of place.  EE develops the necessary skills and expertise to address many of today’s challenges, and fosters motivations to make informed decisions and take responsible action.  Together we can work towards solutions that will help us sustain our world for future generations.

EE is a hopeful field in which to work, and I find myself hopeful for what this year holds.  I find myself and my family revived by a visit to one of the many beautiful outdoor areas near us.  I expect a return to in-person programming some time this year, which puts a smile on my face.  And I am eager to celebrate the 25th anniversary of AEEA.

May you find hope in the beginning of a new year, wonder and relaxation in the natural world around us, and comfort in the idea that we will one day gather in person to share ideas and resources.  

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