Photos by Mitchell Pruitt
Welcome to AEEA
Arkansas Environmental Education Association (AEEA) is the only statewide network of environmental educators and is proud to serve as the Arkansas affiliate of the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE). Join fellow educators from across the many diverse regions of Arkansas in elevating environmental and outdoor learning!
Our Mission
AEEA champions access to environmental education, builds community among professionals, provides support to educators, and drives excellence in the field of environmental and outdoor education in Arkansas.
Upcoming Events
For 25 years, AEEA has been committed to providing resources, support, and opportunities for collaboration and networking.
BioBlitz for Educators Workshop
Tuesday, September 14, 4:00 - 5:30 pm &Thursday, September 16, 4:00 - 5:30 pm Description: Have you ever wondered about the biodiversity that can be found around your school, neighborhood, or community? Join AEEA and the National Geographic Society to learn...
Engaging in Your Environment – 2021 EE Expo
July 20 & 21, 2021 Description: AEEA’s EE Expo will be virtual this summer, and we are very excited about the speakers and topics to be covered. This year’s theme is ‘Engaging in Your Environment,’ where we will focus on citizen science (also called...
Practitioner’s Guide for Assessing Nature Connection
June 22, 9:00 - 11:30 am Description: Are you interested in understanding your audiences’ relationships with nature? Do you need to demonstrate to funders that your programs increase learners’ connection to nature? Join AEEA and NAAEE for a 2.5-hour virtual...
AEEA is Hiring!
The Arkansas Environmental Education Association is hiring a part-time Program Coordinator. The Program Coordinator will be responsible for managing and growing AEEA programs and communications. This includes professional development offerings, the annual...
New Mission, Vision, and Values for AEEA
In the last year AEEA engaged with our members and the larger environmental and outdoor education community to develop a community-based strategic plan. The plan established new priorities for how we will elevate the field of environmental and outdoor education in...
Thriving Schools Using Outdoor and Environmental Learning – A Roadmap for the Use of ESSER Funds
When the spread of a novel coronavirus forced the closure of schools across the country in spring of 2020, educators began to explore a multitude of strategies for a safe return to in-person learning for students, teachers, and staff. The challenges and consequences...