Welcome to AEEA’s new website. Our goal when developing this new site was not only to update the look and feel but also to bring more dynamic features to the site. The blog feature will allow us to highlight important EE news, and upcoming events appear prominently on our homepage. Events on the homepage and the community calendar will include AEEA events as well as those of member organizations. We invite submission for professional development and community events through the form on the community calendar page.

And, we are very excited to build an EE Resource Directory for Arkansas.  The EE Resource Directory is a work in progress, and the more organizations which contribute their information, the more valuable it will be to the greater community.  Include your organization and share with other organizations which also provide community events, school programs, educational classes, professional development, and field trips. The completed directory will include searchable features, showcasing the many opportunities for outdoor and environmental education in Arkansas.  We look forward to using this website to continue building a strong network of outdoor and environmental education in The Natural State. 

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