Welcome to our New Website!
Welcome to AEEA’s new website. Our goal when developing this new site was not only to update the look and feel but also to bring more dynamic features to the site. The blog feature will allow us to highlight important EE news, and upcoming events appear prominently on...
Environmental and Outdoor Education Can Help Schools During Covid
The eeGuidance for Reopening Schools, a new publication which offers support to schools and districts as they find ways to safely reopen their schools, was developed in collaboration with the North American Association for Environmental Education and partners around...
A More Equitable Environmental Movement
As environmental education professionals, we understand that everything in our world is deeply connected, and environmental education is critical for a sustainable future. The Arkansas Environmental Education Association believes all communities and individuals...
Challenges to Environmental and Outdoor Education Nonprofits
Earlier this year the Lawrence Hall of Science conducted a nationwide survey about the impact of Covid-19 on the environmental and outdoor education fields. Not surprisingly the results are bleak, but I urge you to read the report and focus on the section about...